Contact Us


Refer to FAQ if you have any questions or concerns regarding Seven Bank services. In addition, a customer support guide is available and set up in categories on our website to provide easy access to pages with more detailed information.

  • iIf you still have a concern or question after checking FAQ or customer support, please call the Contact Center. We also support inquiries for our Direct Banking Service. Logon and contact us by accessing the "Help/Questions and Answers" located on the top-right part of the screen.

Your Seven Bank Cash Card is Lost or Stolen
Unauthorized Transactions

We offer support every day 24 hours a day if there was an unauthorized transaction recorded or your cash card was lost or stolen.
Contact the Contact Centerright away if you discover that there is an unauthorized transaction on your cash card or your cash card was lost or stolen.
ATM withdrawal and Direct Banking Service are suspended. Thereafter, the operator will guide you through the procedure.


Frequently asked questions are addressed and summarized here.

Contact Center (Japanese) / Contact Center (English)

Call the Contact Center to inquire about Seven Bank service descriptions.

Check the number to ensure that you are calling the correct number.

The Japanese Bankers Association, Customer Relations Center, which is managed by the same association, offers consultation for various bank related matters and provides support for customer inquiries as well as bank related feedback and complaints. Support for consultation and inquiries is free.

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