Materiality 3

Creation of a society where everyone can be active

Contributes to SDGs
  • すべての人に健康と福祉を
  • 質の高い教育をみんなに
  • ジェンダー平等を実現しよう
  • 働きがいも経済成長も
  • 人や国の不平等をなくそう

By engaging in this Materiality, Seven Bank will create environments where everyone can play an active role and contribute to the achievement of the SDGs Goals 3, 4, 5, 8, and 10.。

Seven Bank's Views on Changes in Society and Issues

As the birth rate declines, Japan is aging and its working-age population is declining. It is estimated that over the next 30 years or so, the productive-age population will decline to more than 20 million. In order to realize sustainable company growth, it is essential to create a working environment suitable for diverse human resources and diverse working styles. Particularly, there are many issues in promoting women's active participation, and many women are unable to work even if they want to work for many reasons, such as being unable to balance childcare and work and being unable to find employment after raising children. Seven Bank believes that improving productivity by enhancing the abilities of various employees, developing diverse human resources, and creating an environment in which everyone can play an active role will lead to enriching people's lives and sustainable development of social.

Seven Bank's Stance on Changes and Challenges

Seven Bank recognizes that it is its responsibility as a corporation to contribute to the creation of a society in which diverse people can play an active role in diverse ways. For this reason, we will promote work-life synergies that enable each employee to maximize his or her potential by creating opportunities that can work regardless of gender, age, nationality, etc. and by creating a working environment that allows employees to work while raising children or caring for family members. In addition, we will contribute to the creation of a social in which all people can live fairly and equitably.

Respect Human Rights

The Code of Conduct, which is the ethical code followed by the Seven Bank Group, clearly expresses respect for human rights.

Furthermore, the Seven & i Group Human Rights Policy, as established by the Seven & i Group to which Seven Bank Group belongs, forms the foundation of our Group's business activities. We apply this policy to all of our directors, officers, and employees, continually encourage all our business partners to uphold it, and work in cooperation to respect human rights.

Human resource development

We will transform into an organization which promotes employees’ voluntary improvement of skills, career development, and selection of workstyle and where independent human resources can play active roles.

Ideal HR and Overall Vision for HR Strategy

We conduct various surveys and measures to increase employee engagement at the company overall. Last fiscal year, we started EQ testing (emotional intelligence testing) and a “360° feedback” program. EQ testing, which is also a diagnostic tool for mental health, is an effective tool to objectively determine one’s own strengths and weaknesses. Seven Bank conducts a training course with EQ testing in which participants not only analyze their own results, but also share them with others, which provides an opportunity to recognize differences among individuals as well. At the same time, in the 360° feedback program, employees are shown the gaps that may exist between their own understanding of themselves and the understanding of others, which we believe can provide insights and lead to changes in behavior at the individual level. Learning about oneself and grasping the condition of one’s team through this initiative will lead to increased engagement.

The Bank has conducted employee engagement surveys since fi scal 2018 that it uses as an indicator for employee motivation.

Creating Workplaces Where Diverse Human Resources Can Flourish

The Bank recognizes that it is its duty as a corporate entity to contribute to the creation of a society in which many types of people can participate in various ways. We also believe that creating opportunities for people to flourish regardless of their gender, age or nationality, improving productivity by enhancing the capabilities of various employees, developing diverse human resources, and creating an environment in which everyone can play an active role will lead to the achievement of fulfilling lifestyles as well as the continuous development of society.

Promoting an Action Plan for Participation by Women

We have formulated the following action plan to enable women to demonstrate their capabilities and develop their careers.

  • (1)Plan period : April 1, 2022 to March 31, 2024
  • (2)Target 1: Women comprise at least 40% of new hires.
    Target 2: Paid leave utilization rate is at least 70%.
  • (3)Content : In order to gradually improve the ratio of women employees among full-time employees, Seven Bank will conduct unbiased employee hiring. Seven Bank will also increase employee retention rates in the medium to long term by creating an environment which enables favorable work-life balance and prevents employee turnover due to life stage changes (such as marriage, childbirth, childcare, and nursing care).

Objectives of diversity

  • We aim to increase the ratio of female managers to 30% as of the end of fiscal 2025 (18% as of the end of fiscal 2020).
  • We will continue to promote foreign persons to managers based on experience and ability, regardless of nationality.
  • We are currently maintaining the ratio of managers recruited from outside the Bank at a high level, representing a majority of managers, and aim to continue to maintain this level going forward.

Support for Participation by Persons with Disabilities

To hire and retain persons with disabilities, we give consideration to creating a work environment where they can easily work. These considerations include training using the Tokyo Vocational Center for Persons with Disabilities and introducing a translation tool (UD Talk) for persons with hearing disabilities.
We also revise and develop new job descriptions that enable the transition from part-time to full-time employment.

Other Major Systems and Initiatives that Support Diversity

■Re-Challenge Plan

A plan that helps employees continue working after having children or while caring for children or other family members, with leaves of absence, shorter working hours and exemption from overtime and holiday work

■Child-Care Leave

Paid leave to care for children

■Nursing Care Training

Training to thoroughly inform employees that they can use our systems to continue working even if they must care for a family member

■Work-at-Home System

A system that allows employees to work from home if for some reason commuting is difficult

■Regular Employee Promotion System

A system whereby contract employees and associate employees contract employees who have become permanent hires who meet certain criteria can be hired as regular employees

■Temporary Employee System

A system that allows employees who pass the retirement age of 60 to continue working until age 65 if they so desire

■Master Employee System

A system that allows temporary employees to choose to be employed and work as master employees for a fixed contract period

Data on Diversity

Data on employees and employment(as of March 31, 2022)

Male Female Total
Number of employees※1 302 203 505
Number of part-time employees※2 2 0 2
Number of temporary staff 14 32 46
Average service years of employees 7.8 years
Ratio of female managers※3 16.0%
Ratio of employment of persons with disabilities※4 2.4%
Ratio of paid leave taken by employees 80.2%
  • ※1Excluding offi cers, executive offi cers, employees seconded from the Bank to external companies, part-time employees and temporary staff; and including employees seconded from external companies to the Bank.
  • ※2Number of part-time employees: Average number of workers per month assuming eight work hours a day
  • ※3Ratio of female managers excludes those seconded from the Bank to Seven & i Group companies and those seconded to the Bank from companies outside the Group but includes those seconded to the Bank from Group companies.。
  • ※4Ratio of employment of persons with disabilities as of April 1, 2022

Numbers of employees promoted to regular employees under Regular Employee Promotion System

Fiscal 2021 7

Data on employees and employment (Fiscal 2021)

Male Female Total
Number of employees who took a leave for childcare※5 2 13 15
Number of employees who took a leave for nursing care 0 0 0
Number of employees who used the shorter work-hour system※8 2 21 23
Number of uses of leave for volunteer activities 0
Occupational accident frequency rate※6 0.0%
Occupational accident severity rate※7 0.0%
Number of contacts received at the Help Line for employees 6
Average employee overtime per month 24.9 hours
  • ※5Number of employees who took childcare leave in fiscal 2020
  • ※6Occupational accident frequency rate = (Number of occupational accidents occurred/Cumulative work hours) × 1,000,000
  • ※7Occupational accident severity rate = (Lost work days due to an accident/Cumulative work hours) × 1,000
  • ※8Number of employees who used the system due to childcare or nursing care

Toward a Society to Leave No One Behind

Voice Guidance Service

We provide a voice guidance service so that visually impaired customers can access our ATMs with peace of mind even when on their own. Using this service, customers can make deposits, withdraw money, or check their balance by operating an ATM in accordance with voice guidance provided over the built-in interphone.* This service is available through all of the more than 26,000 Seven Bank ATMs nationwide.

Interphone (telephone) location