
Seven Bank’s Operating System

Seven Bank provides a unique financial service that is close, convenient, reliable, and safe. Our domestic network of 26,000 ATMs can be found at Seven & i Group stores, including 7-Eleven, as well as shopping centers, tourist destinations, airports, and stations, to meet the diverse needs of our many customers. We make use of DX to provide unique financial services. For individual customers, we offer convenient account services that support their daily lives. For corporate customers, we offer secure and convenient services that take advantage of Seven Bank’s strengths, including ATMs. At the same time, we are leveraging our ATM operating know-how to expand ATM services in the United States, Indonesia, and the Philippines.

Seven Bank, Ltd.

Domestic business

ATM platform strategy

Retail strategy

Corporate strategy

Consolidated subsidiaries
Bank Business Factory Co., Ltd
Seven Payment Services, Ltd.
Seven Global Remit, Ltd.
Credd Finance, Ltd.
Overseas business

Global strategy

Consolidated subsidiaries
FCTI, Inc.
Pito AxM Platform, Inc

Domestic business

ATM platform strategy

Our ATM platform business is the core of our company. In addition to traditional cash deposit and withdrawal transactions, with the growth of cashless payment methods, many customers use our ATMs in their daily lives as a valuable point of contact between the real and virtual worlds, for example through top-up transactions for an increasing variety of payment methods. With the new type ATMs, which began being introduced in 2019, primarily in the Tokyo area, we are striving to create new ATM value by cooperating with financial institutions, government administrative institutions, and operating companies, to create a world where all procedures and authentication processes can be performed at ATMs.

Retail Strategy

Pursuing the unique marketability typical of Seven Bank, which has its DNA in general distribution, we provide familiar and convenient account services such as ordinary deposits, time deposits, loan services, international money transfer services and debit services. We also have a variety of services for residents who are not Japanese citizens including smartphone-based international money transfer service, credit cards and loan services for non-Japanese residents, and even insurance products. By offering these services we aim to create a highly livable society for everyone.

Corporate Strategy

We are expanding services to financial institutions and operating companies by drawing on our accumulated banking operations and security know-how and our ATM network, which is one of our strengths.
We are also using state-of-the-art digital technology to develop secure, convenient services that optimize work efficiency in various ways. These include services for receiving money transfers from companies (ATM cash receiving service) and cash collection (ATM cash collection service), which are available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, in principle, at Seven Bank ATMs throughout Japan; contract-based services for bank-quality back-office operations and anti-money laundering measures; and development of fraud detection services and online personal authentication services platforms.

Overseas business

Global Strategy

We are leveraging our domestic ATM operations know-how to develop ATM services in the United States, Indonesia, and the Philippines. To achieve stable operation of ATM services, we will steadily increase the number of ATMs and partners as we build an ATM network that meets the settlement needs of each market. Going forward, we will use the ATM business as an entry point for developing multi-layered financial services in each country.

Number of stores of Seven & i Group and number of ATMs installed in the World