Seven Bank in terms of numbers

Number of ATM transactions per Fiscal Year(Non-consolidated)

We tackled a host of challenges, including developing new technologies, creating a remote response scheme, handling top-up transactions for various code-based payment methods, and accommodating Individual Number Cards. Today we have over 26,000 ATMs nationwide and have grown into social infrastructure that handles over 900 million ATM transactions annually.



Daily Average
Transactions per ATM

Number of partner financial institutions, etc.

At Seven Bank ATMs, customers can take advantage of various services using our alliance network of 640 companies.



Number of ATMs

Seven Bank ATMs can be found at Seven & i Group stores, including 7-Eleven, as well as airports, stations, shopping centers, and tourist destinations to meet the diverse needs of our many customers in their daily lives.


Number of employees549

Ordinary income

By focusing on financial services that are uniquely marketable and demonstrate synergies with the Seven & i Group and on the overseas business, which will establish a dominant presence in three countries overseas, we will steadily increase the topline and by doing so work to achieve ordinary income of ¥250 billion by fiscal year 2025.



The operational rate of our ATMs

Seven Bank develops its ATMs jointly with its partner companies. Our ATMs, which are always developed from the customers’ point of view and manufactured to the highest level of quality, operate continuously, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.


Multilingual Support

Our ATM screens and Contact Center provide multi-lingual support so that residents who do not speak Japanese can use our services with peace of mind.



Number of customers visiting Group stores per day

Our ATMs, which are used by some 2.5 million customers a day, have grown to become a part of the social infrastructure. With these ATMs at the core, we strive to create new services that go beyond our customers’ wishes.



Energy consumptionEnergy consumption for fourth-generation ATMs* *Compared with third-generation ATMs

Compared with our third-generation ATMs, which reduce energy consumption and CO2 emissions by 48% relative to second-generation ATMs, fourth-generation ATMs further reduce energy consumption by approximately 40%.


40% reduction
Approx. 12 million KWh/year

Recycling rate
Recycling rate for scrapped ATMs and
UPS batteries

ATMs are removed and collected when a new ATM is installed. They then undergo maintenance and, when possible, are put back into use. Even individual parts are reused. We work with recycling companies to recycle what cannot be reused, thus achieving a recycling rate of nearly 100%.


Approx. 100%
*UPS: Uninterruptible Power Supply