How to Use


For use in Japan

In principle, you can use the debit card within the range of the ordinary deposit balance for Seven Bank Accounts.
Conversely, a limit is set for your safety, so you cannot exceed the limit, even if it is within the range of your ordinary deposit balance.


  1. STEP1

    When paying for your purchase, show your Seven Bank Cash Card with Debit Card Service, and tell the merchant, "JCB card one-time payment."

  2. STEP2

    Enter your debit PIN or sign for the purchase.

    • At some JCB merchants, such as convenience stores and supermarkets, you may not need to enter your debit PIN nor use your signature to make payment.
  3. STEP3

    You will receive an email at your registered email address notifying you that you have used the Debit Card Service.

  • As transaction are processed by a credit card system when using the Seven Bank Cash Card with Debit Card Service, the transaction receipt may have "Credit" stamped on it.

Net shopping

  1. STEP1

    For the payment method, select Debit Card or Credit Card.
    Enter your debit number, card expiration date, security code, and so on.

    • If you are required to enter a card type, select JCB.
    Net shopping
  2. STEP2

    Click the button to finalize your purchase.

    • Some JCB merchants may also require that you enter a J/Secure password.
  3. STEP3

    You will receive an email at your registered email address notifying you that you have used the Debit Card Service.

  • iJ/Secure is a service that performs identity authentication by requiring that you enter a password pre-registered at a card issuing company in addition to the normal transaction information when shopping on the Internet at a J/Secure merchant. As long as a third party does not know the MyJCB password pre-registered by the card holder, the customer's card cannot be used without authorization.

For Overseas Use

Shopping payment methods

While the way to use the debit card is the same as in Japan, take note of the items below.
Each card payment in foreign currency overseas will be converted into yen by using the
standard rate prescribed by JCB Open in new windowsplus the rate prescribed by Seven Bank (3.0%).

Overseas withdrawal procedure

  • 1.Temporarily withdraw money converted into yen at the conversion rate at the time the information for the use of the Debit Card Service arrives at Seven Bank.
  • 2.When finalized sales information arrives at Seven Bank at a later date from the store you made the purchase, the difference in amount due to exchange rate fluctuations from when the card was used will be withdrawn or refunded based on the conversion rate used when payment was made at the store from JCB.
  • An email will be sent to your registered email address notifying you that there was a difference in amount.
Example: In the case that you purchased $100 worth of goods overseas

How to withdraw money in local currency


You can withdraw local currency from ATMs and CDs that have the JCB mark with your Cash Card with Debit Card Service at major airports, cities, tourist attractions, and the like worldwide.

  • Customers with debit cards displaying the Cirrus mark on the back of their card may also use ATMs and CDs that have the Cirrus mark.
  • This service may not be available in some countries or regions due to an ATM or system failure, communication line failure, or other events.
  1. STEP1

    Items to note before using your debit card

    • Each card payment in foreign currency will be converted into yen by using the standard rate prescribed by JCB plus the rate prescribed by Seven Bank (3.0%).
    • Each transaction will incur an ATM and CD service charge of 110 yen (including tax).
    • Some ATMs and CDs may require an additional service charge prescribed by the local financial agency.
    • Before traveling abroad, make sure to check your debit PIN and Seven Bank Account ordinary deposit balance.
    How to withdraw money in local currency
  2. STEP2

    How to withdraw money

    We will show you how to operate an overseas CD/ATM.

    • Depending on the country/region and machine type, the ATM/CD operation method and screen display may differ.

Ancillary services

Users of the Debit Card Service are eligible to enjoy the ancillary services jointly with JCB members.
For more information, please click here.
Ancillary services(JCB Brand website)Open in new windows


JCB Plaza is the name of JCB’s service counters available at 60 locations around the world. JCB Plaza staff receive inquiries and provide helpful information regarding reservations at JCB member merchants and sightseeing arrangements in the Japanese language. At nine locations in major cities, a JCB Plaza Lounge is provided as a space exclusively for JCB members where they can spend time and relax as they please.

  • Please carry your Cash Card with Debit Card Service upon visiting or calling the counter.
Content of services available both at the JCB Plaza Lounge and JCB Plaza
  • Information: JCB member merchant information and sightseeing information
  • Reservations: For hotels, restaurants, optional tours, various tickets and more
  • Support in the event of loss or theft of the Cash Card with Debit Card Service
  • Free Wi-Fi

(Note) Some services may be handled or provided by local travel agencies. Reservations can be made only with JCB member merchants.

  • Services available at some locations of JCB Plaza may be different from the above.

Overseas travel information website,TabiLover

A website that provides information about special offers for overseas travelers and local specialties recommended by JCB Plaza staff. You can reserve seats at recommended restaurants online. For more information, please access the TabiLover website at:
TabiLoverOpen in new windows

JCB Plaza Call Centers (Overseas)

A telephone consultation service available in case of an accident or any other emergency during overseas travel. The center provides support and advice in Japanese and English on how to deal with accidents and problems you might experience during overseas travel, such as loss or theft of your Cash Card with Debit Card Service or your passport, in addition to hospital information you might need when you get injured or sick (Available 24 hours, 365 days).

  • Free to call and use (you need to pay a call charge when making a call from a hotel or on a mobile phone).
  • You cannot use this service when you are in the country where you live.
Service content
  • Information on local doctors and hospitals
  • Information on how to deal with loss or theft of your Cash Card with Debit Card Service or your passport
  • Information on how to contact the local police, a medical institution, insurance company, etc. in case of an accident
  • Translation support associated with the above information (only Japanese-English)
  • Other contact information in case of emergency
  • Service content may be subject to change and some services may not be available depending on the local conditions.
  • For the list of phone numbers of the JCB Plaza Call Centers (Overseas) and information on how to use the service, please access the JCB Brand website at: JCB Plaza Call CentersOpen in new windows

Shop with your cash card

You also earn nanaco points

A new service is born!

You need a Seven Bank Account to apply for the Debit Card Service.