Daily Transaction Limits


Information is provided below about limits for withdrawals and domestic money transfers.

The table below shows daily transaction limit at ATM or Direct Banking Service that can be changed according to the "Available ranges" specified below.
Note that imits can not be increased at Seven Bank ATM.

Debit limit can be changed or increased up to the maximum limit through the Debit Banking Service (My JCB).

Usage Limits Table

Transaction Available Ranges (Unit: 10,000 Yen)
* Different limits can be set for IC card transactions and non-IC card transactions.
Default User-Defined Limits
Transfer Limits For Entire Account 2 million-3 million Yen (A) + (B)
  Direct Banking Service Set when registering for service Either of the following depending on the authentication system
    App authentication not registered 0 Yen-1 million Yen 0 Yen-1 million Yen
    App authentication registered 0 Yen-10 million Yen
  ATMs 2 million Limit for IC card transactions or non-IC card transactions, whichever is higher (B)
    IC Card Transactions 2 million 0 Yen-10 million Yen
    Non-IC Card Transactions 0.5 million 0 Yen-2 million Yen
Withdrawal Limits ATMs 0.5 million Limit for IC card transactions or non-IC card transactions, whichever is higher
  IC Card Transactions 0.5 million 0 Yen-2 million Yen
  Non-IC Card Transactions 0.5 million 0 Yen-2 million Yen
Debit Card Limit Shopping Japan Once 0.5 million 0 Yen-2 million Yen
Once a day 0.5 million 0 Yen-2 million Yen
Once a month 0.5 million 0 Yen-2 million Yen
Overseas Once 0.5 million 0 Yen-2 million Yen
Once a day 0.5 million 0 Yen-2 million Yen
Once a month 0.5 million 0 Yen-2 million Yen
Withdrawal in local currency at overseas ATMs Once 0.1 million 0 Yen-0.1 million Yen
Once a day 0.1 million 0 Yen-0.1 million Yen
Once a month 0.5 million 0 Yen-2 million Yen
  • iTransaction methods differ with each ATM. Limits must be changed from their defaults for both IC chip transactions and Non-IC card transactions.

IC Card Transactions

  • When Using a Seven Bank ATM
  • When using an IC-compatible ATM of the following financial institutions
    MUFG Bank, Resona Bank, Saitama Resona Bank, Sumitomo Mitsui Bank, Mizuho Bank, and Japan Post Bank

Non-IC Card Transactions

  • When using an ATM that is not compatible with IC of the following financial institutions
  • MUFG Bank, Resona Bank, Saitama Resona Bank, Sumitomo Mitsui Bank, Mizuho Bank, and Japan Post Bank

How to Change Transaction Limits

  Seven Bank ATMs Direct Banking Service
Setting Withdrawal and Transfer Limits at ATMs Raise ×
Setting transfer limit via Direct Banking Service Raise ×
Lower ×
  Seven Bank ATMs Direct Banking Service
Set up your Debit Card Limit Increase Limit × ○(MyJCB)
Decrease Limit × ○(MyJCB)
  • Transaction limits are set in units of 10,000 Yen.
  • The withdrawal limit at ATMs includes the borrowing amount for the loan service.
  • The ATM service fee or transfer fee is not included in the limit at ATMs.
  • You can check your MyJCB through the Direct Banking Service新しいタブで開くDirect Banking Service新しいタブで開く.(MyJCB site is provided by JCB Co. Ltd.)
  • The initial default limits for family cards follows the limits in the table above.
    The total limit at ATMs for the cash card (account holder) and family cards is up to 2 million Yen for withdrawals and up to 10 million Yen for domestic money transfers.(There is no debit feature for family card)
  • Making changes to the family card limit at ATMs must be done through the Direct Banking Service by the person whose name is on the account.
For Customers with a Former IY Bank Cash Card

Former IY Bank cash cards can be used at all Seven Bank ATMs to conduct non-IC card transactions. Usage limits are the same as those for "non-IC card transactions" with Seven Bank cash cards.
Daily Transaction Limits


All Seven Bank IC cash cards contain IC chips.
The IC (integrated circuit) chips embedded in IC cards make them difficult to counterfeit.

Customers who have yet to switch to a Seven Bank IC cash card from a former IY Bank cash card may do so free of charge. We recommend you take this opportunity due to the anti-counterfeiting technology and other additional security of Seven Bank IC cash cards.

How to Switch to a Seven Bank IC Cash Card

You can switch to an IC cash card (have one reissued) using either of the methods below.

Switch Using the Direct Banking Service
Logon to Direct Banking Service and click on "Setting transfer limit via Direct Banking Service" from "Customer Service."

Contact the Contact Center
Contact Center (Japanese) 0088-21-1189 (Toll Free)
Contact Center (English) 0120-937-711 (Toll Free)