App Authentication Function

App authentication is an authentication method whereby customers take the steps to express their approval using the SEVEN BANK Money Transfer App or Seven Bank International Money Transfer App when they conduct transactions via the Direct Banking Service using their computer or smartphone.
By this method where customers register transactions via the Direct Banking Service (first route) and then approve the transactions via the app (second route), they can prevent unauthorized transactions even in the event that their password is stolen by a third party.

When you have set up the app, the following transactions under the Direct Banking Service will be subject to app authentication (you will not need to enter the confirmation number).

【Major transactions subject to app authentication】

  • -Registration for Direct Banking Service
  • -Logon
  • -Change of customer information
  • -Money transfer to a newly designated account
  • -New setting of automatic money transfer
  • -Online payment service
  • -Account linking service
  • There will be no change for other transactions.
  • Use of the app authentication function is free of charge.

App authentication using the SEVEN BANK Money Transfer App is the service available when using the Japanese version of Direct Banking Service. If you use the English version of Direct Banking Service, please use the Seven Bank International Money Transfer App.

App authentication method

The app authentication method differs depending on the content of the transaction.

Ex. 1) When logging on to the Direct Banking Service

Ex. 2) When making a money transfer

App authentication registration method

The authentication method for the Direct Banking Service will be changed by setting up the Seven Bank International Money Transfer App or updating the app to the latest version.
How to set up the Seven Bank International Money Transfer App別ウインドウで開きます

Seven Bank Account
Customers who do not have a Seven Bank Account must open an account (free of charge).

Register for Direct Banking Service
Customers who are not resgistered to use Direct Banking must register for this service.