April 1, 2022

Important Notice

Request for Checking Customer Information

In recent years, the importance of taking measures against money laundering and terrorist financing has been growing in the international community.

To guarantee our customers safe and secure use of our services, we work to keep information of our customers up to date by regularly checking it under related laws and regulations, as a measure against money laundering and terrorist financing(starting from April 2022).

We will send a notice to our customers by email or postal mail or via the Direct Banking Service or the My Seven Bank App to request them to check their registered customer information, depending on the status and details of their transactions.

Please check your registered information and reply to us according to the procedure described in the notice.

The postal item (illustration only) Front side Back side The postcard (illustration only)

If you fail to reply to us despite a change in your customer information, we may restrict your transactions in whole or in part.

We will send you a notice periodically to request you to check your registered information. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation.