Examples of Financial Crimes and Countermeasures

Various examples of crimes, scams and other illegal activity, which attempt to access deposits and personal information, are posted as well as ways to prevent such activity.

Direct Banking Service


"Spyware" is a software that uses the internet or email to access a person's PC without the user knowing or realizing in order to gather personal information input into the PC and send said information to a third party via the internet.

Spyware Countermeasures

  • (1) We recommend that you try to avoid inadvertently opening any unknown emails, etc.
  • (2) Be particularly careful when downloading free software.
  • (3) We also recommend that you also use antivirus software as a countermeasure against spyware.
    Contact the Contact Center in the event that you discover a suspicious transaction.

[Contact Us]

Contact Center

Phishing Scams

A phishing scam is an illegal act of attempting to acquire personal information by masquerading as a trustworthy entity through an email from a company such as a bank, having the email recipient access a false website of said company that is real and having said user enter their ID or password for that website.
Seven Bank shall never ask the customer via email or other means, as described above, for the customer's cash card PIN, IDs or passwords. In addition, there are never any circumstances in which all of the confirmation number is entered (2 digit number input only for 2 places). In the event that you receive a suspicious email or information using the name of Seven Bank, contact the Contact Center.

[Contact Us]

Contact Center

Make sure that Direct Banking Service transactions are conducted on the actual Seven Bank website in order to avoid falling victim to phishing scams.

Seven Bank Countermeasures for Phishing Scams

Seven Bank uses "RSA® Fraud Action (TM) Anti-Phishing Service," provided by EMC Japan Corp., which forces the closure of phishing websites in order to swiftly block or close down a false website (phishing websites) that masquerades as Seven Bank Direct Banking Service.

Checking Address Bar Display

■Our Website

Check the URL to make sure that it is in fact the Seven Bank website. To securely access the Seven Bank website, enter the following into your browser: http://www.sevenbank.co.jp/

■Direct Banking Service

There is always a lock mark displayed on the top or bottom of the page indicating that the communication is protected with SSL encryption when information such as customer ID or password input is required for transactions on the Seven Bank website. Click on the lock mark, and make sure that the "publishing address" for the displayed certificate is: ib.sevenbank.co.jp

If the URL starts with https://ib.sevenbank.co.jp or https://mb.sevenbank.co.jp, you are in our official website.

■Some New Account Applications (such as applying for a Seven Bank account with International Money Transfer Service)

There is always a lock mark displayed on the top or bottom of the page indicating that the communication is protected with SSL encryption when information such as customer ID or password input is required for transactions on the Seven Bank website. Click on the lock mark, and make sure that the "publishing address" for the displayed certificate is: entry.sevenbank.co.jp

  • The image on the page noted above is displayed when the browser is Microsoft Edge.
    Note, we recommend that you register our website in "Favorites" if you access it frequently.

Unauthorized Pop-up Messages

When logging onto Internet Banking, there is information about previous cases in which unauthorized pop-up windows are displayed that attempt to make the customer enter personal information such as a PIN. Take the necessary precautions because similar events may occur caused by the customer's computer being infected by a virus, etc.

The Seven Bank Internet Banking will never have the customer only enter the confirmation number that is printed on the back of the cash card at the logon page and the page directly after logging on. In addition, Seven Bank will never have the customer enter all numbers in the confirmation number.
Seven Bank will always have the customer only enter a 2 digit confirmation number in 2 places at the page to confirm transaction details or request details.
Never enter personal information such as a PIN, even when an unofficial page is displayed.

If a false screen is displayed or if you inadvertently enter information

Immediately contact Seven Bank if this type of page is displayed even once, or if you inadvertently enter your confirmation number, etc.

  • * Always contact Seven Bank even if you close the false page without entering your confirmation number, etc., because there is a high probability that information inside your PC was taken.


Bank Transfer Scams

Bank transfer scams is a general term for "Hey it's me" scams, "Fraudulent request for funds" scams, "Financing and security deposit" scams and "Refund" scams, etc. For example, a person calls on the telephone masquerading as someone else, such as a family member, relative, police officer or lawyer, and provides a plausible explanation, such as a traffic accident, settlement money or debt payment, in order to lure you into transferring money on behalf of someone else.
Among these scams, recently there is an increase in victims of "Refund" scams, in which the victim is contacted on the telephone, instructed to go to an ATM and transfer money as part of a process to receive a refund.


  1. (1)

    Do Not Transfer Money Right Away

    If the situation seems like a "Hey it's me" scam, hang up first and be sure to contact the person whose identity was used in the telephone call.

    * As you may be unable to contact said person by mobile phone, we recommend that you back up all contact information with additional information, such as work telephone numbers and the telephone numbers of acquaintances.

  2. (2)

    Do Not Transfer the Money Alone

    If you attempt to manage the situation by yourself, it is hard to see the situation or the scam for what it is because you are shaken up. Always contact a family member, relative or the police.

Selling/Buying and Assignment of Accounts

The unauthorized use or assignment of an account is prohibited by law.

An account cannot be opened under fictitious names or in the names of other parties. In addition, selling/buying or assignment of the account or letting other people use a cash card is prohibited by law, etc. If it is discovered that an account was opened based on counterfeit or altered identity verification documents, or that the opened account is used for a bank transfer scam or other criminal activities, Seven Bank will take the necessary steps, such as suspending or terminating the account in question, and report the matter to the government ministries and agencies in accordance with the laws and ordinances.

Buying or selling , or assignment, of bank accounts is a crime. Never engage in such conduct.

If you do, you will be sentenced to imprisonment or a fine under penal law, and you might never be able to use Japanese banks including Seven Bank in the future.

We ask for your cooperation to help make information available.

Contact the Contact Center right away if you suspect or witness the assignment or selling/buying of a Seven Bank account.